ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) | Preparation Instructions
To ensure a successful exam, please follow all instructions carefully. Please bring a list of all your current medications, including any over-the-counter medications with you. If you must reschedule or cancel your appointment, please call 503-229-1883.
- Please notify our nursing staff if you have had any major health or medication changes since scheduling your procedure. This could affect your preparation instructions.
- Arrange for a licensed adult driver to take you home. By law, you may not drive for the rest of the day after your procedure. Public transportation is allowed with an adult escort.
- Medications
- If you take any blood thinners, i.e. Coumadin, Plavix, Pradaxa, etc., please call our nursing staff; if you have not received special instructions.
- May continue to take regular medications, unless instructed by provider or nursing staff
- May continue to take NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin), Aspirin, and Tylenol, if needed
- Stop Taking
- Fish Oil
- Patients that are Diabetic
- Evening Dose Only: Take ½ the dose of your diabetic medication(s) the day before your procedure
- No dose the day of the procedure
- No solid food after midnight.
- May take blood pressure, heart, or seizure medication the morning of the test. Hold all other medication. Be sure to take medication two hours prior to test.
- Stop drinking liquids two (2) hours prior to procedure. No candy or chewing gum.
- Wear comfortable clothes; two-piece outfit is preferable.
- Leave valuables at home
- Arrive on time at the designated location with completed paperwork, photo ID, and insurance card.
- You must have a responsible adult drive you home. Though they may not remain in the waiting room during the procedure, they will need to be somewhere close by as they will be called to come pick you up once your procedure is finished; which is approximately 90 minutes. If you do not have a ride arranged we will not be able to perform the procedure.