Rectal Ultrasound |  Preparation Instructions

To ensure a successful exam, please follow all instructions carefully. Please bring a list of all your current medications, including any over-the-counter medications with you. If you must reschedule or cancel your appointment, please call 503-229-1883.


  • Please notify our nursing staff if you have had any major health or medication changes since scheduling your procedure. This could affect your preparation instructions.
  • Arrange for a licensed adult driver to take you home. By law, you may not drive for the rest of the day after your procedure. Public transportation is allowed with an adult escort.
  • Purchase two (2) Fleet saline enemas. The enemas are over the counter and can be purchases at any pharmacy.
  • Medications
    • If you take any blood thinners, i.e. Coumadin, Plavix, Pradaxa, etc., please call our nursing staff; if you have not received special instructions.
    • May continue to take regular medications, unless instructed by provider or nursing staff
    • May continue to take NSAIDS (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Motrin), Aspirin, and Tylenol, if needed


  • Patients That are Diabetic
    • Take ½ dose of your diabetic medication the day before your procedure
    • No dose the day of the procedure


  • May take blood pressure, heart, or seizure medication the morning of the test. Hold all other medication. Be sure to take medication two hours prior to test.
  • No solid food six (6) hours prior to procedure. Stop drinking liquids two (2) hours prior to procedure. No candy or chewing gum.
  • One (1) hour prior to your procedure, administer two (2) Fleets enema. Allow the first to take effect prior to administering the second enema.
  • Wear comfortable clothes; two-piece outfit is preferable.
  • Leave valuables at home
  • Arrive on time at the designated location with completed paperwork, photo ID, and insurance card.
  • You must have a responsible adult drive you home. We recommend that he/she stay in the waiting room during the duration of your stay; which is approximately 90 minutes.